Jan 5, 2014

Alhamdulillah... A words for my Zauj

Syukur aku masih dikurniakan nikmat hidup untuk berbakti pada smua orng disekelilingku.. Terima Kasih Ya Allah atas kurniaan yg tak terhingga..

Alhamdulillah.. dh lama aku x tulis dalam blog.. untuk kali ini aku just nk post entri nie kepada seseorng yg dh jadi my zauj aku selama sebulan lebih. 

To my zauj En Azharuddin Mohamed Nurin,
Syukur yang tak terhingga aku ungkapkan kerana sudi menjadi zauj aku insyaAllah untuk selama-lamanya. Ya Allah, terima kasih yg teramat kerana mengurniakan aku seorng lelaki yg menjadi pembimbing aku menggantikan tugas ayahanda tercinta. Terima Kasih kurniakan seorng insan yang cukup memahami, romantis, baik, pencinta agama dan yg paling penting menjaga aku mcm ayahanda jaga. 

3 years aku amik masa untuk terima my zauj & 3 years jg dia menunggu tanpa sebarang call antara kami berdua.. sms kadang kala menjadi medium hubungan itupon sekadar bertanya khabar.. selebihnya aku lebih suka mendiam diri dan serahkan pada takdir... masa yg cukup lama untuk menilai. alhamdulillah dia memahami dan Allah simpankan hatinya untuk aku. Akhirnya 22.11 sah aku menjadi pemilik tulang rusuknya.. tanpa sebarang hebohan mengenai pertunangan kami, akhirnya kami sepakat untuk mendirikan rumah tangga.. Sebenarnya perkahwinan aku nie ats pilihan keluarga. walaupon stu sekolah rendah dan kg bersebelahan tp kami x pernah berjumpa sejak abis darjah 6. masing2 bawa haluan sendiri. 

2010 his mom meet my mom & ask for this relationship. dec 2010 his call and ask me about this, but at the time i'm rejected him because not ready and i'm still new in work. a lot of dream i try to fulfill b4 be a wife. Alhamdulillah he understand because he also like me. not accepted with his mom planning. we lost contact at the time. middle 2012 he sms me back. at the time, i just accept him as a friend. sms when have free time. never call each other. 2nd time his ask about our relationship and i need a time to think about it. 3rd time asking, still with 2nd time answering. istikarah almost all night but i did'nt get any answer. 30/12/2012 my last istikarah about this relationship. if there is nothing feel on me, i hope he will be happier with his life. 31/12/2012 at noon, i got my hp and sms him either he still waiting for my decision. He say YES.. "Jika awk mampu jg sya macam ayah jg, jika awk mampu syng sya mcm ayah syng, jika awk mampu kasih sya mcm ayah kasih n jika awk mampu bimbing sya mengenal Islam lebih dalam mcm ayah bimbing sya, boleh lah awk masuk meminang". alhamdulillah after the sms there is nothing worried in my feel. rs lega, n tenang.. 30/3/2013 our engagement day. 22/11/2013 our solemnized. officially i'm his wife. sepanjang pertunangan kami x pernah call. just sms.. sekarang lah  masa untuk bercinta.. Indahnya bercinta selepas kahwin.. alhamdulillah walaupon bru 1 bulan lebih, aku dh merasa bahagia bersama dia.

Dear my Zauj ,
I may not be perfect, but I'm trying to be a perfect partner for you. I may not a good cooker , but I will serve you a good food. I may not a good housekeeper, but I will keep our house clean and makes your heart stay calm. I may not a good babysitter, but I will take a good care of our cute children.

Dear you ,
I wish you know that I will keep try my best to be perfect when we are together. I wish to held your hands when we are walking together. I wish to be the reason of your smile. I wish to  always be in your heart in the world and the hereafter. I wish to stay in your mind and make you think clearly. I wish to be a whisper when you're confused. I wish to be the coldest ice when you're angry. I wish to be a cushion when you're tired. I wish to be a blanket when you're cold. I wish to be behind you to push you forward when you step standstill.

Dear my beloved Zauj ,
Take care of yourself. Take care of your little heart. Take care of your attitude. Take care of your mind. Don't break your heart too much. Don't drop your tears heavily. Because I'm not there now to wipe away you tears, to treat your heart because our long distance marriage. But, always know that I will always do that when you're with me. 

Tq be my husband and hopefully our marriage and love forever n ever in the world and hereafter life. smga rumahtangga kita dilimpahkan penuh barakah, mawaddah, sakinah n warahmah.. ameen..


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